ATLflow help


  1. Callchain
    1. startpoints
      1. default Startpoint : create eef models
    2. properties
    3. Calls
      1. Atl Transformation transform gen
        1. transform gen in Model
        2. transform gen out Models
        3. transform gen flow list
      2. Atl Transformation transform components
        1. transform components in Model
        2. transform components out Models
        3. transform components flow list
      3. Atl Transformation transform views
        1. transform views in Model
        2. transform views out Models
        3. transform views flow list
      4. Atl Transformation transform editor gen
        1. transform editor gen in Model
        2. transform editor gen out Models
        3. transform editor gen flow list
    4. Generators
      1. EEF Properties initalizer create eef models
        1. create eef models flow list
        2. create eef models uses
        3. create eef models produces
      2. EEF Properties generator gen eef
        1. gen eef flow list
        2. gen eef uses
        3. gen eef produces
      3. Model merger merge models
        1. merge models flow list
        2. merge models uses
        3. merge models produces
      4. EEF Editor initializer create eef editor
        1. create eef editor flow list
        2. create eef editor uses
        3. create eef editor produces
      5. EEF Editor generator generate editor
        1. generate editor flow list
        2. generate editor uses
        3. generate editor produces
    5. Artifacts
      1. Artifact modelOutput
      2. Model in
      3. Meta Model EcoreGenModel
      4. Model IN
      5. Model IN
      6. Artifact eef_component_copy.atl
      7. Artifact eef_generation_copy.atl
      8. Model OUT
      9. Model OUT
      10. Meta Model EEF_GEN
      11. Meta Model EEF_COMPONENT
      12. Artifact code
      13. Artifact custom
      14. Model IN
      15. Meta Model EEF_VIEW
      16. Artifact eef_view_copy.atl
      17. Model OUT
      18. Artifact IN_VIEW
      19. Artifact IN_COMP
      20. Artifact IN_VIEW
      21. Artifact merged models
      22. Model view
      23. Model comp
      24. Model IN
      25. Model OUT
      26. Model IN_COMP
      27. Model IN_VIEW

A transformation chain to customize the generation of eef properties.
The transformation is controlled by a custom atl libary.


default Startpoint : create eef models

startpoints : create eef models

startpoints : create eef editor



Atl Transformation transform gen

Transforms the eef genmodel, it links the merged view and component model to the eef genmodel.

transform gen atlfile : eef_generation_copy.atl uri :[ ${eef_transformation_path}/eef_generation_copy.atl ]

Libaries uri
custom ${custom_eef_atl}

transform gen in Model

in Model conforms to

transform gen out Models

out Model conforms to

transform gen flow list

Atl Transformation transform components

Transforms the componet model.

transform components atlfile : eef_component_copy.atl uri :[ ${eef_transformation_path}/eef_component_copy.atl ]

Libaries uri
custom ${custom_eef_atl}

transform components in Model

in Model conforms to

transform components out Models

out Model conforms to

transform components flow list

Atl Transformation transform views

Transform the view model.

transform views atlfile : eef_view_copy.atl uri :[ ${eef_transformation_path}/eef_view_copy.atl ]

Libaries uri
custom ${custom_eef_atl}

transform views in Model

in Model conforms to

transform views out Models

out Model conforms to

transform views flow list

Atl Transformation transform editor gen

This transformation uses the same atl file, and transform the editor genmodel uses the same custom file.

transform editor gen atlfile : eef_generation_copy.atl uri :[ ${eef_transformation_path}/eef_generation_copy.atl ]

Libaries uri
custom ${custom_eef_atl}

transform editor gen in Model

in Model conforms to

transform editor gen out Models

out Model conforms to

transform editor gen flow list


EEF Properties initalizer create eef models

EEF Properties initalizer : create eef models

create eef models flow list

create eef models uses

create eef models produces

EEF Properties generator gen eef

EEF Properties generator : gen eef

gen eef flow list

gen eef uses

gen eef produces

Model merger merge models

Model merger : merge models

merge models flow list

merge models uses

merge models produces

EEF Editor initializer create eef editor

EEF Editor initializer : create eef editor

create eef editor flow list

create eef editor uses

create eef editor produces

EEF Editor generator generate editor

EEF Editor generator : generate editor

generate editor flow list

generate editor uses

generate editor produces


Artifact modelOutput

The ouptut path, need to exist, where the properties initaliser will store the model files. It is needed by the generator.

name uri isDerived
modelOutput ${eef_model_path} false

Model in

This is the base input model. The genmodel from which the basic models are created.

name uri conforms to isDerived isTemp
in ${model_uri} EcoreGenModel false false

Meta Model EcoreGenModel

name uri handler isDerived
EcoreGenModel uri: EMF false

Model IN

The eef genmodel produced by the properties initaliser.

name uri conforms to isDerived isTemp
IN ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}.eefgen EEF_GEN false false

Model IN

name uri conforms to isDerived isTemp
IN ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}.components EEF_COMPONENT false false

Artifact eef_component_copy.atl

Transforms the component model.

name uri isDerived
eef_component_copy.atl ${eef_transformation_path}/eef_component_copy.atl false

Artifact eef_generation_copy.atl

Transforms the view model.

name uri isDerived
eef_generation_copy.atl ${eef_transformation_path}/eef_generation_copy.atl false

Model OUT

name uri conforms to isDerived isTemp
OUT ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}_out.eefgen EEF_GEN false false

Model OUT

name uri conforms to isDerived isTemp
OUT ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}_comp_out.components EEF_COMPONENT false false

Meta Model EEF_GEN

name uri handler isDerived
EEF_GEN uri: EMF false


name uri handler isDerived

Artifact code

This is also a virtal artifact, as the output is defined by a eef genmodel feature, an is set by the custom atl file.

name uri isDerived
code /eefGenerator/src-gen false

Artifact custom

This file ist the custom eef atl file, it contains the helper needed for the transformations.

name uri isDerived
custom ${custom_eef_atl} false

Model IN

name uri conforms to isDerived isTemp
IN ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}.components EEF_VIEW false false

Meta Model EEF_VIEW

name uri handler isDerived
EEF_VIEW uri: EMF false

Artifact eef_view_copy.atl

name uri isDerived
eef_view_copy.atl ${eef_transformation_path}/eef_view_copy.atl false

Model OUT

name uri conforms to isDerived isTemp
OUT ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}_view_out.components EEF_VIEW false false

Artifact IN_VIEW

name uri isDerived
IN_VIEW ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}_view_out.components false

Artifact IN_COMP

name uri isDerived
IN_COMP ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}_out.components false

Artifact IN_VIEW

name uri isDerived
IN_VIEW ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}_out.components false

Artifact merged models

This artifact is nessesary for the acceleo generator, it is a xmi file contains both models, compoponent and view.

name uri isDerived
merged models ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}_out.components false

Model view

A virtual artifact, pointing the the merged model, it defines the component part IN_COMP in the genmodel transformation.

name uri conforms to isDerived isTemp
view ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}_out.components EEF_VIEW false false

Model comp

A virtual artifact, pointing the the merged model, it defines the component part IN_VIEW in the genmodel transformation.

name uri conforms to isDerived isTemp
comp ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}_out.components EEF_COMPONENT false false

Model IN

name uri conforms to isDerived isTemp
IN ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}-editor.eefgen EEF_GEN false false

Model OUT

name uri conforms to isDerived isTemp
OUT ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}-editor_out.eefgen EEF_GEN false false


name uri conforms to isDerived isTemp
IN_COMP ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}-editor.components EEF_COMPONENT false false


name uri conforms to isDerived isTemp
IN_VIEW ${eef_model_path}/${model_name}-editor.components EEF_VIEW false false