Release Notes
ATLFlow 0.0.19
The model contains a property element for
substitution in artifact URI and name.
- These properties have a default value. In the start
configuration it is be possible to set a property value.
- To define the properties and set the values there is a tabbed
property section to define them, just like the EAnotaions in the
ecoretools editor.
- The substitution of properties affect the artifact URI, the
property name it self, and the artifact name.
- A property can be defined by
another property, eg. ${base} = XXX ${baseExtension}=${base}YYY will
produce XXXYYY for ${baseExtension}
There are several dialog types,"string" for a simple input dialog, "resource"
for a workspace resource, "container" for a workspace container, and "uri" for
a ExtendedLoadResourceDialog.
These dialog will popup if selected in the launch configuration.
ecore model
The ecore model has changed.
- The generator instances are removed from the ecore model.
- A property element was added.
- The namespace has to change to
gmf transformation
- There is a called rule for choosing the figure role
(createFigure ), there are at the moment only two called rules
"svgFigure" and "default".
- For svgFigure there is map in the configuration file "svgUris"
where the uris can be mapped for a element.